Iron Bicycle Trail The Iron Bicycle Trail is a 43-km-long route (intended length: over 50 km) designed as a loop running across the Polish and Czech borderland. The trail intersects the territories of 5 communes: Godów, Jastrzębie-Zdrój, Zebrzydowice, and on the Czech side Karvina and Petrovice u Karvine.

The main theme of the trail is railway, which used to connect these lands, exerting a big impact upon the local economy and infrastructure. The Iron Bicycle Trail makes use of old, out-of-service railway lines. There are rest points organised along the entire length of the trail. The initial section of the part of the Iron Bicycle Trail in the area of Jastrzębie-Zdrój runs across the Szotkówka Valley. At the end of the section from Godów to Jastrzębie-Zdrój there is a rest point suitable for a bigger group of bikers. The Polish part of the trail covers 25.5 km, the Czech one – 17.5 km.
City Bike System Tens of bikes and bike rental stations located in convenient places around the entire city. The JASkółka City Bike System enjoys immense popularity in Jastrzębie, and year after year its residents cover longer distances on bikes. Currently, the city has opted for fourth-generation bicycles. The “JASkółka” City Bike System is run by a consortium of Orange Polska S.A. and Roovee S.A.

If you feel like having a ride, all you need to do is register through a mobile app downloaded from the Internet. You can also register on your PC through a dedicated website.